Infrared Window

Photo #1: Exterior view of second floor bedroom window with gable vent above. 

Photo #2: Interior side of south facing casement window unit. Window box shows signs of water staining on top sections and trims. Window casings adjoining at sill and jambs are swollen. Indicates moisture emanating from the upper left hand side of the casement window. Moisture concentration is evident to the left side and left sill area below window as indicated by the dark navy blue and light blue color of infrared photo.

Please note: Window trims and frame do not show a high concentration of moisture suggesting moisture is coming from around the window unit and not through the window.

Photo #3: Interior of window box left hand side. Moisture reading taken from window box side wall, Flir moisture meter reading 50% (HIGH)

Photo #4: Meter interior of window box left hand side.

Photo #5: Attic left hand side of south facing gable vent above second floor bedroom window.

Photo #6: Right hand side of gable vent in attic indicates a high moisture level is present in framing, ½” CDX sheeting below sill of gable vent. Dark blue color indicates moisture is present. Moisture reading taken from under side of south facing gable vent. Flir moisture meter reading 50% (HIGH)

Photo #7: Gable vent base above south facing bedroom window.


Our findings indicate moisture is emanating from gable vent above the second floor south facing bedroom window unit. Gable vent installation is lacking proper pan-flashing and sealant that would normally redirect wind driven rain captured by the gable vent to the outside of the buildings weather barrier. Moisture entering this vent due to its improper flashings finds its way into the wall assembly and eventually runs into the window header and through its rough opening. Masonry lintel flashing above this window unit need to be investigated further to conclude if proper head flashings were implemented.

Window casements and cladding:

Aluminum cladding is separating on a majority of the casement windows and grill bars allowing moisture to enter into the wood assembly of the casements. During this limited testing we did not discover any rotten sashes, casements or sills.


Install a dehumidifier in the south facing bedroom as soon as possible capturing moisture and reducing the risk of possible mold growth. Remove and properly flash gable vent or temporarily cover it up limiting wind driven rain from entering the building envelope. Sheetrock and insulation will need to be removed and framing properly dried before repair is implemented.

We can discuss recommendations and cost allowing us to formulate a fix that will work with-in your repair budget and time schedule. We have performed a visual survey of selected window units at the above referenced property and have provided the above following survey. This survey is not limited to items seen or makes us responsible for items not seen during this visual inspection. We reserve the right to amend and change this report, as new items are uncovered during the repair process.